Story 13DX/TH009

Story from 13DX/TH009 activity.


Wolf 014 came to me at 07:00am and we go to the place Dobritschen B oat Camp“. We reached the island at 8:15 am. We took some pictures and started to build the equipment and cabling, but something went wrong that day, the antenna is broken straighten the mast an item. So there was the normal height of only 8.80 meters. In the crash, a fishing rod from Skypper also broken grrr. We have built with thin branches to stabilize two straps around the fishing rod . When we were finished and finally got the antenna we were tired. Next we connected the cable to the radio and we had bad SWR. This was 10:00 clock.

There was only one way to replace the cable . Remove the antenna again. After this new check the SWR all was well. about 11:00 clock we made the first call. This was not the best start to this activity. The conditions were very good at the beginning on 530U and the logbook fill quickly. We changed later on 630U but 31FAT010 told us that a contest was running over 600U, so we changed to 575U.

The weather was good 19 ° C at the first day. As in the evening when the conditions were bad on the island arrived two kayak rowers and camped here for the night. We made a fire and sitting around drinking beer and talk about our hobbies . 00:00 clock we went to sleep . 6:00 in the morning the alarm clock rang but we had forgotten this, the clock was switched to winter time....hehe.

So the breakfast was extended longer and surfed the Internet and answered e-mails. Was as bright in the morning we see the dark clouds over the island and it began to rain, We decided after 30 minutes on the radio and pack the equipment Result 80 Log entrees on the first day and 3 on the second day..... At 11:00 clock we was back home.

Many thanks to all the friends who call to us.

13DX056 Uli, 13DX014 Wolf.
