Story 14DX/MA090

Story from 14DX/MA090 activity.

hi dear radio friends,

the CDL Team was ready to go on the island at 4h30 gmt at the DX029 house, after 50 min of road, we arrived on the sea border in Lilia Plouguerneau. After few minutes we are ready to go on the Is, 600 metres of the island.

After this passage, we instal all the equipment on the island, after all equipment was ready we start the power source, all is switch on radio and computer. 6h42 GMT Guy 029 start to call and the first one was 14DX049 come 5/5 from nowhere, after 1 hour of transmition we had 37 QSOs on our log, we stop for lunch at 11h25 GMT with 91 QSOs.

Restart at 12h30 GMT, we hunt another islands for our personnals log, at 13h05 GMT restart the activation to 13h55 GMT no propagation there, only 13 QSOs on, we decided to stop the activation with 104 QSOs on the log in 18 divisions, tnx to 153RS777, 91MEX102, 102AT101 and 97AR101 the only ones outside Europe.

We back at the Guy’s home at 15h30.

Thank you all for QSO for the CDL Team 14ATS049, 14DX029 and 14DX079
